
External stakeholders

The OCP Group’s Ombudsman Office is open and shall remain accessible to all third parties within the Group’s ecosystems. The Ombudsman Office can be approached by the all relevant external stakeholders as follows.


OCP Group entities

Relevant external stakeholders within the OCP Group’s ecosystems include all third-parties interacting with Group and its subsidiaries taken all together as a whole:


Areas of competency

If you fall under one of the aforementioned stakeholders’ categories and your claim concerns the OCP Group’s or one of its entities, the Ombudsman Office can accept and process your claim as per its mandate within the following areas of competency:

  • Claims for which all possible means of appeal and formal direct complaints to the Group’s relevant entities have been exhausted, and/or for which no other action is possible.
  • Requests for mediation for negotiated settlement of a conflict situation, a misunderstanding or a current dispute.
  • Non-compliant processes’ allegations.
  • Regularization of appeal right’ in case of issued rejection.

However, procedures by the Ombudsman Office cannot lead to actions such as:

  • Initiating a case of jurisprudence.
  • Imposing a predetermined outcome to the claim at hands.
  • Procuring a direct compensation of the plaintiff.
  • Causing automaticity for requests similar to cases dealt with previously.

The claims submitted before the Ombudsman Office can no longer be pursued in to the following cases:

  • Matters currently under judicial procedure.
  • Claims on unpaid bills without preliminary recovery actions to the relevant entities.
  • Subjects pursuant to employability such as job applications, applications for internships, or subsidies, etc.
  • Applications for financial aid or sponsorship.