Introduction and Missions

Introduction and Missions

The set-up of the OCP Group’s Ombudsman Office comes as part of a larger institutional strategy aiming to further strengthen the group’s ecosystems and insure its sustainability. It reflects the OCP Group’s commitment, since years, to manage positively its impact on its business and social environments as well as on all relevant stakeholders, by adopting a structured policy in this regard and implementing subsequent appropriate measures..

Acting in complete independence, and in compliance with international standards and best practices, the Ombudsman Office offers a space for building mutual understanding consensus, and a determined quest for fair outcomes to situations that can arising out of misunderstandings and/or litigious issues. The Ombudsman Office is also aimed to contribute to the development and improvement of good governance practices within the OCP Group.

The OCP Group’s Ombudsman Office proposes its services to relevant external stakeholders within the group’s ecosystems. Its mission is: to facilitate and negotiate, when appropriate, disputes’ settlement of disputes between the OCP Group and external stakeholders among its ecosystem’s components by:

  • Processing and examining claims , and recommending fair solutions to parties.
  • Acting to reduce disputes between OCP and its partners.
  • Providing mediation when required.
  • Identifying interaction opportunities between the OCP Group and its ecosystem and advancing cooperative development projects.

To perform efficiently its mandate, the Ombudsman’s Office adopts a 3-step approach:
