Procedures for processing your claim

By approaching Ombudsman Office, you deem yourself as being disfavored or dissatisfied with the existing structures and processes of the OCP Group or its subsidiaries, or you are seeking its help to obtain a negotiated settlement of a current dispute. The Ombudsman Office has set-up a procedure for receiving, processing, and monitoring your claim, based on 5 separate steps as follows:

  • You log in your claim with the Ombudsman Office by filling the appropriate form and send it by post mail or electronic email
  • Upon receipt of your claim, the Ombudsman Office will assess its eligibility(check the eligibility criteria
  • Once the eligibility assessment concluded, and in the event of rejection, the applicant will receive a subsequent notification along with a justification on the reasons of the non-eligibility of his or her claim. As for eligible cases, an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to the applicant
  • An initial contact will then be established with the applicant to discuss the claim and its content
  • Exchanges will occur subsequently on the matter with the participation of relevant entities or individuals within the OCP Group, which will lead to the proposal of a range of fair and reasonable options in order to identify and the best acceptable solution to all concerned parties.